Have a general question?
Happy to help!
Check out the FAQs or reach out using the form below.
What happens in a discovery call?
In our 30 minute call, we will spend about 15 minutes just getting to know each other and the last 15 minutes sampling my coaching style. Overall, the discovery call is about determining if we are a good fit for each other before you sign on.
Why do you require a 3 month commitment?
I used to offer one-off coaching sessions, but I soon realized that it wasn't what my clients truly needed. I view coaching as a partnership and I want you to be able to integrate the ideas and changes from our sessions with support and accountability. Because change is never a smooth ride and you will need support when you come across challenges and setbacks. In my experience, 3 months is the minimum length of time that it takes my clients to achieve transformation and integrate their goals as a way of life.
How do I know 1:1 coaching is right for me?
A lot of factors go into this however; here’s some thoughts to chew on…
You have 1-2 goals in mind for over the next 3 months.
Working on your own has been insufficient in seeing the results you want.
You are pretty clear on some patterns or habits that are contributing to what’s stopping you, but are unsure on how to reinvent those patterns.
I’m so busy. Do I even have the time and capacity to invest in myself with coaching?
I’ve not coached a single working mom who told me “I have time and capacity now to invest in myself”. They’ve all been doing exactly what you’re doing - working hard in their careers, taking care of their kids, their homes, and all the other responsibilities. They were just tired of waiting for a time when it would feel right to prioritize themselves. There is no “perfect” time. There’s just time and what you do with it.
How available are you for “spot coaching”?
I am available for 20-30 minutes for spot coaching. Once I receive your message via Voxer, I work to connect with you within 24 hours.
I’m worried what my husband will think if I invest in coaching. How do I explain this to him?
You start by knowing why you want this and then you remember that the people in our lives who love us, want us to have what we need. If this is what you need to feel better and show up in your life in a way that you feel good about, then he needs to hear that.
There is also a difference between asking for permission and asking for support. When you ask for permission, you are unsure whether or not this is “worth it” and so you’re looking to someone else to validate that uncertainty. If you’re not sure, this probably isn’t the right time for you. When you’re certain of what you need, you don’t need anyone else’s opinion of what you should do, you just need their support of the decision you’ve already made.
Send me a note!
I try my best to respond to emails within 48 hours Monday to Friday, 9am-4pm ET.