Does this sound familiar?
You’re capable of making executive decisions at work but have a hard time delegating tasks at home?
You feel guilty about the time spent at work climbing the corporate ladder or building your business because you’re missing out on time spent with your kids?
You work full time and equally contribute to the household income, yet you still come home to a second shift?
You’re in a state of mental exhaustion from being the “go to parent” for your kids physical and emotional needs?
You feel like you’re on a hamster wheel just barely surviving day to day, waiting for this busy season at work to be over, for the kids to be through this stage, or for the next vacation or “break” for things to be better?
How would it feel to be the mom who is focused on her life instead of all the things?
How would it feel to take better care of you, knowing that when you are a priority, you can better pour into your marriage, your parenting and your work?
How would it feel to let go of the guilt that you’ve been carrying around for working too much, for having a messy house, for keeping score with your spouse?
How would it feel to manage your thoughts and feelings so that you can create the kind of life experience you want to live?
How would it feel to make progress on the goals that are important to you, like your health, your relationships, your hobbies?
What if you gave yourself credit for all of the things you do and do so well instead of seeing only the things you didn’t do?
What if you were more present with your kids? Appreciating them for exactly who they are now, and creating a family culture that they’ll look back on someday and smile.
Private 1:1 Coaching
How It Works…
You provide 1-2 goals you’d like to work on. In this process, YOU are the expert on you and your life. You decide what we are here for and where we want to end up. In return, I help you tap into your innate intuition to bring out all the brilliance, power and clarity that is already inside of you.
We will meet bi-weekly over a 3 month period (2x per month). A 3 month commitment is required. In these 6 sessions, we will look at your life, create your big-picture vision, identify your priorities, and then get to work creating and executing an action plan.
Creating an action plan involves breaking your goals down into smaller bi-weekly objectives that we will monitor during our sessions.
Sessions are 45 minutes long, and are held virtually or via phone.
I also offer “spot coaching” in between sessions. Life happens and I want you to get the support, answers, and accountability while those challenges are fresh, which is why you have access to me so you can get coaching and encouragement in-the-moment.
Some examples of goals working moms may focus on:
You want to set better boundaries in your life.
You want to get clear on “what’s next” in your career or business.
You want to kick imposter syndrome to the curb and own your stuff!
You’re facing a life transition and need empowerment, support and accountability.
You want to rebuild your identity after motherhood.
So, the question you need to ask yourself is…
Are you ready to make the most of your life?
Still have questions?
Head over to my Contact page to find general questions related to Private Coaching.