20 Free Ways to Implement Self-Care at Home

self care ideas

Finding ways to prioritize your physical and mental health can seem challenging on any given day. When you add in the stress factor, the need to indulge in self-care becomes paramount.

But when spa days, yoga classes and dinner dates are off the menu, it can be hard to find ways to relax. So I’ve rounded up 20 totally free ways to practice self-care at home.

  1. Self-Care Idea: Take a Long Bath

Light a candle, turn on your favorite playlist and wait for your skin to get pruny.

2. Self-Care Idea: Take a Nap

Twenty minutes or two hours. Choose your own adventure.

3. Self-Care Idea: Watch a Movie

Put on your favorite movie or show that makes you laugh.

4. Self-Care Idea: Call Your Bestie Boo

A good catch up sesh is bound to put a smile on your face.

5. Self-Care Idea: Put Phone on “do not disturb”

Sometimes silence is golden. Spending time without texts, emails and Instagram stories looming over your head is so refreshing.

6. Self-Care Idea: Write a List of 10 Things You Love About Yourself

Self-love is self-care. You deserve all the compliments.

7. Self-Care Idea: Bake

Whether it’s your favorite dessert or you’re trying out a new recipe, the point is to get in the kitchen and have a little carb induced fun.

8. Self-Care Idea: Curate a Playlist

Put together different playlist based on your moods; enjoy accordingly on your next walk.

9. Self-Care Idea: DIY Mani/Pedi

Create your own salon experience. It’s cheaper and often longer lasting that the salon.

10. Self-Care Idea: Go for a Long Walk

Cue up those playlists and enjoy nature.

11. Self-Care Idea: Read a Book

Now’s the perfect time to pick up that book you’ve been meaning to read. Wine is optional but highly recommended.

12. Self-Care Idea: Meditate

Meditation will help you feel less tired and tense.

13. Self-Care Idea: Journaling

Journaling helps to reduce stress, clarify your thoughts and feelings, and allows you to get to know yourself better.

14. Self-Care Idea: Create a Gratitude List

Writing down the things you’re thankful for will make you appreciate them even more.

15. Self-Care Idea: DIY Face Mask

Luxuriate your face in those creams and face masks you never use. Then bask in the silky smooth feeling afterwards.

16. Self-Care Idea: Listen to a Podcast

Cue up an inspirational or fun podcast to take your mind off things.

17. Self-Care Idea: Pencil “Me Time” Into Your Schedule

Be intentional about physically blocking off a few times during the week where you can’t plan anything else. You’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner once it becomes routine.

18. Self-Care Idea: Do Something Nice for Someone Else

Random acts of kindness are satisfying and can help take your mind off your own problems.

19. Self-Care Idea: Get Organized

For some people, clutter has a direct effect on their mood and physical health. Sorting your closets, taking out the junk, and creating simple systems could do wonders in healing your mind and welcoming peace.

20. Self-Care Idea: Do Absolutely Nothing

Allow yourself to quiet the mind and those racing thoughts to sit in silence and appreciate the peace of the moment. Stillness is a virtue, folks.


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